The Art Of Leadership: Nurturing Your Personal Leadership Style

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To be a great leader, you must first be a good follower. And that starts with self-awareness. The best leaders are the ones who know how they lead and what makes them follow. Therefore, to become a better leader, you need to understand your leadership style and how you operate as an individual. Understanding your leadership style can help you nurture and make it more effective.

What Is A Leadership Style?

Leaders are individuals who, because of their position, can positively impact others. Whether employed in a business or a school environment, leaders are crucial to achieving goals and objectives. They are responsible for motivating and inspiring their teams to accomplish their goals while keeping everyone in line with company policies and procedures. Leaders are not only responsible for the success of their team but also for the entire company as a whole. This means that the leader must be able to identify relevant issues that are facing the company and find a way to address them. Every organization and team will have different leaders with various leadership styles. Understanding and identifying your team’s leadership style is essential for multiple reasons. Of course, it will help you understand how other people work best, but it will also help you recognize the best leadership style for your team and your organization. That way, you can choose a leadership style that best benefits your team and the company.

Understanding Your Leadership Style

A leadership style is a collection of personality traits and behaviours that contribute to an individual’s leadership success. In other words, leadership style is how a leader thinks and behaves, which determines whether and how they can lead others. We often associate leadership with charisma and confidence, but in reality, it also has a great deal to do with what you are comfortable with, and that’s where your leadership style comes into play. If you feel most comfortable leading when you are the one who follows, then that’s your leadership style. It may surprise you that there isn’t just one leadership style but a wide range of them.

Nurturing Your Leadership Style

As you understand your leadership style and how you lead others, you can start to nurture your leadership style. We all show in our way, and trying to force yourself to be someone you are not will only cause frustration and harm your team. Nurturing your leadership style will allow you to find your comfort zone and be the best leader you can be. This will help you push past the insecurities of being a leader and allow you to focus on what matters. When you are comfortable with who you are and who you lead, you can lead more confidently. This will enable you to give others more freedom to express themselves while maintaining control.

The Future Of Leadership: How To Choose The Best One For You

Leaders come in all shapes and sizes, and while certain traits are universal in all good leaders, every person will be best suited to a specific style. Some are born leaders and have a natural gift for it, whereas others develop these skills over time through experience and reflection. You must identify your leadership style, so you can use this information to improve your leadership style. With your knowledge of your leadership style, you can use it to your advantage. The best way to improve your leadership style is to identify the areas where you need to grow. Some specific skills can be enhanced through experience, while others require a more deliberate approach.


Leadership is both an art and a science. It requires the right attitude, skills, and knowledge to be successful. Understanding your leadership style and honing your leadership style will allow you to be a better leader. And, when you know what makes you tick, you can choose the best leadership style for your team. The best way to identify your leadership style is to identify the different ways you lead and how others respond to them. Once you have an idea of your leadership style, you can begin to use your strengths to help others achieve their goals.

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